Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi convallis blandit posuere. Nam massa tortor, tincidunt eleifend ultricies ac, interdum ut lectus. Quisque vel dolor sit amet enim pharetra efficitur.
if you want something indented this is how
like an overview of what cities you'll go to or whatever you want

hotel: text to click to pop up photos
note about this html: change the #?=400 to reflect the width you'd like your popup to be. to add more popups with photos you'll copy/paste the same a href from the link above but change rel="01" to 02, 03, 04, and so on. you will add the photos in a section below all of your body coding and change the numbers there to reflect the 01, 02, 03, 04 you've named them up here
• this is
• a list
• if you
• want it

Vivamus in dolor eget nisi lacinia pellentesque. Nullam rutrum eget elit nec consequat. Mauris non augue at est scelerisque dictum ut in purus. Duis est tortor, hendrerit id faucibus vitae, mollis a lorem. Ut lobortis libero nibh, eu luctus tortor eleifend sed.

you can use the emph tag
• and then
• set it up
• this way too

you don't actually have to insert those icons you just can if you want

Nam vitae eros at velit pellentesque convallis. Sed at sodales lacus. Nunc sodales risus id mi ullamcorper, eget vestibulum libero semper. Ut congue odio eu blandit efficitur. Mauris et blandit est, eu tempus ligula. Donec imperdiet varius leo non sodales. Curabitur facilisis, libero vel porta rhoncus, magna sapien bibendum erat, vehicula lacinia elit neque ut lectus. Sed ultricies varius massa, sed ullamcorper lectus vehicula a.

things to note
you do need to use the <br> tag to insert a line break or everything will run together

this design moves the tables for you to make them even on either side. to add more space to the left side if it's split a section in two you can just at a bunch of line break tags to the bottom to trick it into moving up

Ut pellentesque velit vel risus blandit aliquam. Nullam eget dolor et ligula consectetur lacinia sagittis eget orci. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Vivamus tempus porta nulla in mattis.

Suspendisse potenti. Phasellus tempor lectus sem, sed porttitor eros porta eu. Nullam ac diam elit. Ut sed dolor laoreet, dapibus tortor ac, pulvinar velit. Cras nunc odio, tincidunt eu dictum ut, laoreet at turpis. Vivamus eget vulputate velit. Fusce placerat ex vel lacus feugiat, vel semper enim rutrum. In in nulla eget diam ullamcorper facilisis. Etiam quis nibh egestas, laoreet dolor nec, commodo risus.