All pieces of code are credited. Please do not remove this.
Update Templates

All pieces of code are credited. Please do not remove this.
If you see a code of yours in this directory credited incorrectly I do apologize. This just means wherever I found it did not properly credit. Please let me know and I'll fix it immediately
If you want any of your work removed please contact me from the un associated with it and I will remove it immediately
To use any codes found here simply click on the image link. You will be taken to either a pastebin page, a layout featuring a pastebin page, or a neocities style.
To use any code in a neocities style simply right click+view source, copy everything on the page that opens, and paste it all into your own neocities style
For assistance or to have anything made or edited for you please feel free to contact me
If for some reason you can't get ahold of me or if you just want to you can feel free to contact Moosh or Sweetvirginia for additional coding help!